You've made the commitment to ride a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle.
Now let the Harley Owners Group® give a little back.
The Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) is an organisation that was established in 1983 by Willy G. It is sponsored by Harley-Davidson Motor Company and it is H-D’s official riding club. In 2023 we are celebrating 40 years of Harley Owners Group, it is the oldest and largest riding club in the world!
Currently, there are nearly 750.000 members worldwide and more than 1.400 official H.O.G. chapters around the world. Each chapter is sponsored by an Authorized Harley-Davidson dealership.
Local chapters allow people who share a passion for Harley-Davidson motorcycles to come together. When joining a local chapter, you’ll always have plenty of opportunities to meet with friends, have fun, support worthy causes, and ride!
At the purchase of a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle, the first year H.O.G. membership is free. Annual costs to stay an official H.O.G.-member after the first year are € 79. Joining a local H.O.G.-chapter requires an additional small fee to support the activities that they organize for you. Please contact the chapter from your region for more information.
Interested in joining the world’s biggest and most successful motorcycle-family? Select the membership of your choice and register on www.hog.com.
*Full H.O.G. membership
The Full H.O.G. membership is available for Harley-Davidson-owners. This membership offers the most complete package of benefits, and is available as:
Full Membership
Life Membership
*Associate H.O.G. memberships
Associate membership packages are available for family and friends of Harley-Davidson-owners that subscribed to a full membership. The costs are € 43,00 annually. The number of Associate Memberships that can be added to a Full Membership is unlimited. These packages offer a select number of membership-benefits and are available as:
Associate Membership
Associate Life Membership
Online membership profile
Every H.O.G. member should create an online membership profile on the official Harley Owners Group website: www.hog.com. This profile will allow you to manage your membership, change your contact-details and so much more: you'll also find exclusive content for H.O.G.-members like the online Enthusiast Magazine, chapter-information and ride reports of H.O.G.-members all over the world.
Membership renewal
In order to renew your membership, access your personal membership profile on www.hog.com or the renewal login page.
Questions regarding your H.O.G. membership:
Don't hesitate to contact the H.O.G. Customer Care Center about any H.O.G. related question. They are here to support you. Tel 00800 1111 2223 or email customerservices@hog-europe.com.